Why I Think Python Is So Hard

Robbin Benefield
4 min readMay 27, 2021
Photo by Christina Morillo on Pexels

Python is admittedly one of the best known programming languages period.

It’s popularity is so widespread, we barely remember that before 1991 Python was just a species known to humankind as a type of reptile. But now it is so much more than that and developed into a whole new and intricate meaning, since its creation forward.

It’s even ranked as the top programming language in the US and Worldwide according to StatisticsTimes.com:

It is also known for it’s simplicity to be very easily understood compared to other programming languages. It is not complex to read or write, which is good for beginner programmers everywhere.

But does that mean it is necessarily easy to learn?

In Dataquest’s, “ How Long Does it Take to Learn Python? ”, the article mentions,

“ Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn.”

Well then. If you’re struggling with some of the basic concepts (or even all of them for some), that statement from one of the top well-known online course providers sure doesn’t help. At first glance it makes me feel like I’m on Mars and Python mastery in all it’s wondrous glory, is on the distant, far away planet Earth.

But don’t lose hope so fast!

The Dataquest blog further goes on to say,

“ However, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy! While anyone can learn Python programming — even if you’ve never written a line of code before — you should expect that it will take time, and you should expect moments of frustration.”

“Complete frustration” is what it should have said.

This is so duly noted! Even though I’ve already started self-teaching myself through books and following along a couple of online courses, it is a good reminder for me indeed! It is good to know you’re not alone when you’re learning from online at home without the conventional, positive teacher there to reassure you.

Just like anything else hard to accomplish, learning any programming language helps you exercise and grow your brain synapses, creating even more! The outcome is a stronger and healthier mind, than the brain simply being nearly idle.

Learning a new skill or a whole new set of skills can help anyone and everyone become smarter and feel a sense of satisfaction in life. Actually doing things instead of sitting doing nothing watching TV or mindlessly surfing the Web for hours at a time without purpose will not help the mind. Over time it disintegrates the imagination and lively motivation for real life. Of course, at times, we all just want to relax and unwind after a long day by flipping on the TV watching cable, Hulu, Netflix, etc. Or go on our mobile devices for social media or simply watching YouTube videos.

But we must be careful so we don’t forget the real world and the meaningful things we can create with our hands and minds alike!

“ When I got my first television set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships.” — Andy Warhol

As they say, you can either move it or lose it! We would want to use our talents and technological advances for improving ourselves without forsaking our friends and families. Technology should should build us up, not tear us down. And it should send us forward not backwards.

I know creating things take energy so to help make to sure to take breaks and eat a snack…Or many…

I know I can easily go off on a self improvement, humanitarian rant but let’s finish off the main point…

What Helps Me Furthermore:

Learning anything new that you’re not used to doing in your daily life is considered hard. But what helps me keep going is knowing it will help shape me into a better thinker and better person as a whole.

Key Personal Tip: As I learn, I envision what I’m learning and how it will help me improve my future skills no matter how frustrating it is.

*Also going onto the GitHub and Python Community forums really do help when I’m trying to figure out an exercise I have no clue how to tackle!

Stack Overflow and Kaggle are helpful as well.

And last but not least to note, once you’ve covered the main concepts to become a Python Developer, and you’re comfortable navigating the language, and feel you’ve practiced enough,


Apply to Jobs and Keep Learning! You Got This!

Remember, you can do anything you keep your mind focused on.


  • https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-reading-book-1181672/
  • https://m.statisticstimes.com/tech/top-computer-languages.php#:~:text=Last%20Updated,12%25%20from%202nd%20ranked%20Java
  • https://www.dataquest.io/blog/how-long-does-it-take-to-learn-python/#:~:text=Python%20is%20considered%20one%20of,should%20expect%20moments%20of%20frustration
  • https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/303985-when-i-got-my-first-television-set-i-stopped-caring

Forums to Check Out:

  • https://www.python.org/community/forums/
  • https://github.com/python
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/python
  • https://www.kaggle.com/discussion

**My Personal Favorite — As a beginner GitHub is my favorite so far because the answers that the community provide, go into perfect detail needed to complete exercises to strengthen my skills!



Robbin Benefield

print("Hello Everyone!") I write about all things "Techie" and share my personal programming learning experiences! Enjoy and Come Learn Along With Me!